Expert Edition Plus

FATF data analysis and special reports for small jurisdictions

The Basel AML Index Expert Edition Plus package offers an enhanced analysis of FATF data based on consolidated data from all published FATF Mutual Evaluation Reports (MERs).

This enhanced analysis converts the FATF rating (Compliant, Largely Compliant, Partially Compliant, Non-Compliant) into a numerical, colour-coded scale from 0 to 3.

The data is presented in Excel format, accompanied by graphics and an analysis of main achievements and trends. The Excel sheet includes regional indexation and information about the review authority and the date of review to allow sorting by these criteria. The scores are presented in raw form as well as scaled from 0 to 3. Updates are provided on a quarterly basis.

The user can rank countries according to their results in the 11 Immediate Outcomes (IOs) and 40 Recommendations (R). IO and R scores are presented both separately and aggregated. The data are presented on two levels:

1. Indicator level (separately for IOs and Rs) or horizontal comparison

  • Total score per indicator
  • Average score per indicator
  • Performance (proportion of the potential achievements and real results)

2. Jurisdiction level (separately for IOs and Rs) or vertical comparison

  • Total score per jusridiction
  • Average score per jusridiction
  • Performance per jusridiction (proportion of the potential achievements and real results)

Sample of the FATF data set

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An accompanying written analysis describes jurisdictions’ performance in terms of both FATF technical recommendations and effectiveness criteria. The analysis helps users to:

  • Identify weak spots and strong points
  • Rank countries according to the FATF technical compliance and effectiveness criteria
  • Identify high and low performing countries and understand the reasons behind the scores
  • Identify trends